Bridges at the Missions Apprenticeship Program

Upgrade your skills and gain employment experience.

bridges hero

Bridges at the Missions is an apprenticeship program which provides opportunities within the Missions operations for individuals between the ages of 25 and 40 who have recently been laid off or lost a job. Over a 9 to 12-month period of employment, apprentices upgrade their skills and expand their working experience.

Importantly, Bridges apprentices also receive personal counseling and capacity building in the “soft skills” of job hunting, resume development, interviewing, and teamwork. Weekly discussion sessions review strengths and assess challenges, providing an opportunity for personal growth.

find a permanent position

Find a Permanent Position

The Missions Catholic Social Ministries then assists the apprentice in finding a permanent position. Bridges apprentices now are firemen, Selma city employees, and workers in colleges, health care and manufacturing industries in and around Selma.

Listen to the importance of the Bridges program in the words of one of our graduates.

[embed video here - need YouTube link]

Apply Now

All applicants are subject to a background check as well as a child protection screening vetted through the Archdiocese of Mobile. This application will not be used for limiting or excluding any applicant from consideration for employment on a basis prohibited by local, state, or federal law. Applicants requiring reasonable accommodation in the application and/or interview process should notify a representative of the organization.

Please fill out the form below or download and print the application to submit by mail.

Download Application

Apprentice Information

Applicant First Name is required
Applicant Last Name is required
What position are you applying for?
What position are you applying for? is required
Please enter a valid email address
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
Current Address is required
City is required
State is required
ZIP is required
Are you currently employed? is required

Personal Information

Have you ever applied to or worked for Edmundite Missions before? is required
Do you have friends, relatives or acquaintances working for Edmundite Missions? is required
If hired, would you have reliable transportation to/from work? is required
If hired, would you be able to present evidence of your U.S. citizenship or proof of your legal right to work in the United States? is required

Education, Training & Experience

High School

Name of High School is required
Did you graduate? is required

College or University

Vocational School

Military Service

Additional Information

Do you speak, write or understand any foreign languages? is required
Do you have any other experience, training, qualifications, or skills which should be brought to our attention? is required


Reference 1

Reference First Name is required
Reference Last Name is required
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
Please enter a valid email address
Occupation is required
Number of years acquainted is required

Reference 2

Reference First Name is required
Reference Last Name is required
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
Please enter a valid email address
Occupation is required
Number of Years Acquainted is required

Reference 3

Reference First Name is required
Reference Last Name is required
Please enter a 10 digit phone number
Please enter a valid email address
Occupation is required
Number of years acquainted is required

Please read and check the box by each paragraph:

I certify that I have not purposely withheld any information that might adversely affect my chances for hire. I attest to the fact that the answers given by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. I understand that any omission (including any misstatement) of material fact on this application or on any document used to secure can be grounds for rejections of application or, if I am employed by this organization, terms for my immediate expulsion from the organization. is required
I understand that if I am accepted into the apprenticeship program, my apprenticeship is not definite and can be terminated at any time either with or without prior notice, and by either me or the organization. is required
I permit the company to examine my references, record of employment, education record, and any other information I have provided. I authorize the references I have listed to disclose any information related to my work record and my professional experiences with them, without giving me prior notice of such disclosure. In addition, I release the company, my former employers and all other persons, corporations, partnerships, and associations from any and all claims, demands or liabilities arising out of or in any way related to such examination or revelation. is required

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